miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Analysis Julia Gillard

 For our followers in Australia, we have done the analysis, by the morphopsychology, of the Prime Minister Julia Gillard. We can see a face very equilibrated, she has good proportions, but more retracted than dilated, it is a general character of selection. Another important trait is her expansion more in the ideas, but always including emotions. Her forehead and cheekbones show this tendency. She is more introverted; she needs time to open her personality to the others. Also she enjoys reflecting on different aspects of life, more than acting in these aspects. In the same way she needs to reflect the emotions, and also is very selective to communicate her feelings, she needs time. In contrast she has a lot of curiosity for other people, she wants to know about their lives, specially the emotional life.
We can see a lot of sensitivity and solidity with her principles; she is very joined and very strict with it. Everybody is not invited to her team; he or she needs to pass a test. In the same way she wants to put her principles always in her projects. These projects are always linked to visual items, because she has good skills of visual perspective, she can imagine a lot of figures and situations if somebody explains her.
In summary we have a women with a reflexion skills, more in the ideas than in the concrete things, and with a good emotional sensitivity, reserved for her special people. 

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